Why do we reuse bottles ?

Here at Casa de la kombucha we like to reuse as much as possible in order to minimize our carbon footprint, one of the easiest ways to do this is by reusing our refill bottles, through the following steps you can help us in this process as well as availing of the saving in cost … Read more

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Kombucha

1.What is Kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented beverage primarily made from green or black tea and often flavored with fruits and herbs. It is rich in vitamins, anti-oxidants, probiotics and has been shown to have many positive effects on human health. Unlike fermented alcoholic beverages, Kombucha is not a typical yeast fermentation and only contains … Read more

How to use foods to eliminate belly fat

Most of us would like to lose a few kilos and particularly in the abdomen.  I am here to tell you that there are some foods that can help eliminate or reduce belly fat. Visceral fat is that which surrounds your abdominal area and your vital organs. It is one of the most dangerous fats … Read more

What is Kombucha? History and benefits

Today kombucha is the fastest growing category of natural probiotic drinks. But what is “come-boe-tschaa” really? Kombucha is one of the most popular health trends and probiotic drinks of the moment. It’s essentially green and or black tea fermented with sugar (from various sources, including cane sugar, fruit or honey). This fermentation process creates colonies of good bacteria … Read more